Tuesday, January 12, 2010

RID 3300 Conference 2010.

 YAB Tan Sri Khalid, Menteri Besar Selangor addressing the Rotarians.
                                      Close up of YAB in local enforcement officer uniform.

  RI President's personal representative PDG Mark K Y Wong.
RID 3300 Conference - day 2.
There were several good speakers on the second day. Tan Sri Yong Poh Kon, a former Rotarian spoke on 'PEMUDAH'. He was at one time President of Malaysia Mensa Society. What other credential do you need man. He explained very well why are we lagging behind Singapore in attracting investors. In fact we are behind many of our ASEAN comrades. So cut those red tapes.. potong.. potong habis lah.
PDG Mark was an excellent speaker too. He started by saying "I feel like as if I am coming home" with that kind of remark, of course the crowd like it.
After some waiting the VVIP arrived in spectacular ala millitary uniform. Tan Sri Khalid apologised for wearing wrong uniform and might have given wrong impression of Selangor being a Millitary State. You do not have to worry Tan Sri, we know who you are. You presence and support is more important than anything else. Tan Sri invited Rotarian to play active role in making Malaysia a great country to live in.

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