Sunday, April 18, 2010

District 3300 Assembly.
Rotary Club Kampong Baharu sent the biggest yet delegation so far. 10 Rotarian and two Ann ( one baby)
Attending the Assembly was President Dr.Feardaus, Vice President Ruzman, Charter President Hj. Razaly, President Elect Hasril, PP Shah (and Ann), Rtn. Jamil, Rtn Jonnaidi, Rtn Nor, Rtn Amran (Ann and baby), Rtn Sanjay.
The function was held at 6th star Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel from 16th to 18th Apr 2010.
So guys what do you think? Please post feedbacks!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Arrival of GSE Team from Switzerland.
Flight 346 landed at 1415 hours as scheduled bringing GSE Team from RID1990. Giving them rousing welcome were outgoing GSE Team to Switzerland, PP Odzman (GSE C'man) DG Leslie and a big crowd of well wisher made of Rotarians and their family members. It was a good start for this program. RCKB was represented by PP Shah, Rtn. Nor and Rtn. Tariman.
The guests were transported to Holiday Villa, Ampang in several cars. After a brief rest they were treated to welcome dinner. The incoming GSE Team  consist of Team Leader PP Edgar K.Theusinger, Team member Chloe Berberat, Team member Rachel Salzman, Team memberJuliana Knoll and Team member fabiano Di Tomaso.
The team will be in Malaysia till 15th. May 2010. RCKB will be hosting them toward the end of their stay in Malaysia.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Jonn doing the honour.

Amran inducted as RC Kampong Baharu 19th. Rotarian.
On the 31st. March 2010 saw another Rotarian being inducted as the 19th. member of RC Kampong Baharu. Amran is the younger brother of Rotarian Jonnaidi who was inducted fortnight ealier. The club started with 12 members in July 2009. Seven  new members had been recruited since then making RCKB one of the club with high growth for 2009-2010. Welcome to the Club Rotarian Amran. 
Rtn. Jonnaidi Jamalis being inducted.

Induction of 18th. Rotarian of Rotary Club Kampong Baharu.
On the 17th. March 2010 during the weekly club meeting Rotarian Jonnaidi Jamalis was inducted by PE Hasril. There is a small adjustment at RCKB for year 2010-2011 line up with PE Hasril taking over from Rtn. Helmy. The latter took one year leave from the club due to career committment. PP Shah concented to be the Ag. Secretary for the rest of current period. Rtn. Jonnaidi is a Director with MANCONGKAM group of Companies. Welcome to the club Jonn and we look forward for your participation.
                                                                       Reaching the peak.
Jungle Trekking at Bukit Gasing, Petaling Jaya.
On Sunday 7th. March 2010 I participated in the above RID3300 event. I heard so much of the place over the years. It is the only green lung left in Petaling Jaya areas. There is a danger that one day the 100 acres green is no more as rapid development is taking place around the area. Citizen got together forming association like "Friend of Bukit Gasing" to hilite the need to preserve the green lung for the future generations.
I was looking forward for some adventure. May be getting lost and of course to be rescued later with blazing  media coverage. That was only my imagination running wild.
Actually the trail is very user friendly. Certain steep slope are actually terraced to help the hikers. There is a look out tower and resting place for hiker to enjoy the view. No wild tiger and not even a leach on sight. After all we are actually is a cosmopolitan area.
All participant we armed with plastic bags and we were doing our part in picking up any litters around the place. The trail took me just one hour to conquer. It was fun and I like to do it again with my children next time.