Sunday, January 24, 2010

Karaoke Competition.


District Fellowship Karaoke Competition 2009/2010   &   District Disaster Fund Raising.(23.1.10)
Aftermarth of the Sri Lankan civil war, many innocent children became war orphans. Some were maimed for life. Many unable to led normal life after the lengthy civil war. The purpose of the fund raising was to assist these victims. More than 150 Rotarians and their friends turned up to give their support. The function was held at Holiday Villa Ampang at courtesy of PDG Dato' Jimmy Lim.
Rotarians from RCKB turned up to support their contestant Rotarian Jamil Poniran who belted Engelbert Humperdick number - A Man Without Love. His performance received standing ovation from the crowd. Congratulation Rotarian Jamil eventhough you only won cosolation prize but we are very proud of you for keeping RCKB flag high. It was an excellent fellowship night where we met many Rotarians from the district.

1 comment:

aida rohana. okay to be original ! said...

Great job abg Jamil!
So team, when is our together karaoke session?