Sunday, May 18, 2008

RCKBrians as blogger.
We now can exist in another dimension, virtual community. If you are having several email addresses, blogs, communicate online most of the time, having pc, notebook, pda and spend more than 2 hours staring at the screen daily, man! you are already part of this community.
What seperate the virtual world from the real is that you have to eat and do those physical things.Some people even go to the extend of getting married on the net, have children and keep pet and garden in the virtual world. They will visit keep in touch with their virtual family on daily basis, taking their pet to the vet in case it is sick. Of course you may not meet the real person unless you choose too.
If you happened to pass by some of the cafe you will see some of the inhabitants of the virtual world. They seemed to be lost in their own world. Some time they can be seen smiling to no one in particular. Only their body is there but they are somewhere else.The virtual world follow different set of rule or no rule really. You are free to do so many thing. Yeah fight, quarrel, fall in love, tell lies. It is only when men try to mix this world with the real that trouble start, like when Raja Petra end up in lock up. (he is on bail I heard)

Note:1..So far only Azlan had accepted my invitation to blog in rckampongbaharu. What happened to the rest I wonder?
Note:.. Ruzman has join as co-author

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