Pres. Dr.Feardaus co-charing the Weekly meeting.
Guest speaker.
RCKB celebrating 13th birthday.
Group photo with Pres. Rizal of RC Kuala Lumpur DiRaja.
One for the album.
RCKB joint meeting with RCKL DiRaja 11th Nov 2009.
Venue: Shangri La Hotel, Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur.
Time: 1230-1430 hrs.
Present:Pres.Dr.Feardaus,CP.Hj.Razali,PP.Ruzman,PP.Shah,Rtn.Helmy,Rtn.Tariman,Rtn.Samsudin,Rtn.Izad,Rtn.Aida,Rtn Jamil.(10)
After 13 years CP Hj.Razali brought back RCKB to visit her mother club RC Kuala Lumpur DiRaja. Of course the mother was very glad to see her child which she had sponsored on 13th November 1996. Most of us was not with the club then but CP Hj.Razali and VP Ruzman remained as two charter members.
It gave us an oppurtunity to observe how RC Kuala Lumpur DiRaja conducted their meeting. On the way back to KSS, Rtn.Izad was already talking of adopting some of the practices to make our weekly meeting more interesting.
There was a guest speaker from India giving a presentation on 'Thinking outside the box.'
Several Rotarians from overseas and AG mansoor was also present to lend colour to the occasion.